
Sierra, 22

Used Ab’Asanas for 1 year

Hey Morgan, my name is Sierra and I am 22 years old. I’ve been doing your Ab’Asanas guides for about a year now and it has been so amazing for me. I should start off by letting you know that when I was 16 years old I found out I was pregnant with my son, and in the same week, I lost my grandmother, who raised me and took care of me, to bacterial meningitis. Then when I was 19 I became pregnant with my daughter and about half way through my pregnancy we found out that she was going to be born with a 1 in 800,000 condition that would cause her to be born without any eyes. I suffered with anxiety and depression before any of this, but that really put me over the edge. I was in a very dark place for a very long time. I weighed about 145lbs(my normal is 100lbs) and I was so sad and depressed and just trying to make it through the days. Finally, I started yoga about a year ago as a last attempt to help my anxiety and your page was such an inspiration to me. So I decided to give your guide a try and I love it! I was in the best shape of my life and happier than I had ever been, but unfortunately in February I broke my collarbone into three different places, splintering the bone as well. I was immediately told I was basically bed bound for the next 8 weeks, and I was so devastated, but I pushed through. I made sure I was still taking care of my body as well as I could, through my nutrition and ended up able to be back on my mat(limited) at 2 weeks post op and I didn’t look back. I can definitely say it was very hard to keep my motivation, but your guide and seeing you conquer all of your obsitcales was such a blessing! Now I am breaking barriers and progressing so much! Thank you so much for putting your soul into this! 

- Sierra



Used Ab’Asanas for 8 months

I was a yoga teacher for about a year before I started Morgan’s Ab’Asanas. but I felt that my home practice wasn’t where I wanted it to be. So after seeing Morgan talk about her eBook I decided to jump on it and get it! I practiced her eBook regularly for 8 months and look at the difference! The photo in the right was THE FIRST day I got her book and started and the picture on the left is 8 months later! I could BARELY hold this pose for even a second, and now I’m able to find more variations and hold myself up! I can really feel my body getting stronger after incorporating these strength drills into my home practice! I now feel more confident in my teaching and proud of where I’m at! Thank you Morgan!!!!  

- Courtney Kraus



Hi Morgan,

I am someone who has done yoga for years (since I was 14) and then I become a serial obsessed yogi for months at a time before going on long stretches of falling out of practice. As I have become more serious about my practice, I get frustrated that I can’t just do the inversions I want to jump into. The Ab’Asanas is a fantastic reminder of how important the fundamentals are. Exercises I assumed I knew how to do, I was doing incorrectly. Ab’Asanas has given me the foundation needed to continue to grow in yoga and for that I am thankful! 

- Kirby Matthews 



You have been a huge inspiration for me on my yoga journey. I am not sure how I found you, but I have been following your yoga routines religiously. 

My name is Arzu. I come from Azerbaijan but live in Turkey. I am a journalist by background. Do a lot of travel mostly for work, as a speaker and expert.

I did yoga now and then, a little bit during my undergrad years, then during grad school and on and off taking classes. But because my life is rather unscheduled and I tend to spend most of my time on airplanes, hotels, and conference venues, it was hard to stay signed up to classes.

So I took up running as I could do it anywhere I went to. Then two years ago, as I ran my half marathon I injured my knee (those damn heels of Istanbul). I did not know what I could switch to that would keep me active, that I could practice and do as I traveled. 

Then I thought of yoga. And that's how my journey began. But it wasn't until the past year and a half that I started practicing on a regular basis. And this is how I discovered you and the rest of the yogis I started following on instagram. 

And outside of all the useful yoga related info, I have been a big supporter of yours - a lot of the things you have shared regarding your personal life, choices, decisions and so on, resonate so much with me. And you cannot imagine how much value I have for you, your beautiful mind and soul!

So thank you for inspiring, sharing, teaching and staying true to yourself and the things you love and believe in. 

It has been a real pleasure being your follower :) I am attaching a few moments of my yoga journey. 

- Arzu 


@littleblueteaspoon at Week 1, Week 16 and Week 19. 
She has incorporated @ab_asanas into her fitness routine and seen amazing results. 
Honestly so grateful and when I see stories like this and am included into your all’s transformations. We are all in this together fam! 

@mediterranean_yogi’s hollowback progress almost 1 year apart. Beautiful transformation babe.

No, thank YOU @easyherbst for being such a badass. AND those @ab_asanas gains. Being strong comes in all shapes and sizes. The outward benefits is honestly just a bonus of the strength that is built inwardly, first and foremost.

@heathrovder making some incredible core gains using @ab_asanas
I LOVE seeing handstand progress and alignment come along so beautifully. 
It’s never too late to start your journey - and you don’t even need to get upside down.

“My abs will never be perfect or tight, and that is 100% ok.” To read more about’s @ab_asanasjourney, head over to her page

10 months @ab_asanas progress by the lovely @opheliayoga
I remember meeting this sweet soul at one of my workshops in Paris and I’m SO proud of how far her practice had come. It’s never too late to start

I LOVE when you all share your stories with me. 
We are all coming from such different backgrounds and places in life. 
@ab_asanas helped @greek_gal with hashimotos. Look how incredible her progress is!! Keep sharing friends. It inspires the heck out of all of us. 

Got some big, old tears in my eyes when @sierra_gasch sent me this transformation. Sheesh woman.

A little bit of Teodora’s @ab_asanas progress and lovely review of my guides. 
It has even helped a bit with her scoliosis due to strengthening her core.

Ok - everyone give it up for @tanishayogimama's ONE YEAR @ab_asanas anniversary.  This picture actually puts a lump in my throat. This speaks volumes to self- belief, patience, hard work and consistency. Swipe left to see what Tanisha says in her own words. Much love lady!! It's never too late to start your own journey!